Newly Rebuilt High Friction Surfacing Used Chip Spreader Conversion
GEFFS Manufacturing is proud to introduce the world’s largest and most developed used chip spreader repair and rebuild service: Rocky Mountain Rebuild.
We’ve been making and servicing self propelled chip spreaders since our founder Willard Horner pioneered the concept with the WH Chip Spreader 75 years ago. We maintain a quality inventory of used chip spreaders for sale, trade, exchange, or customized rebuilding. We will also ship and return your current chip spreader, and perform our complete inspection, project design, repair and rebuild program for you according to your exact needs and budget.
As we’ve evolved through the years to GEFFS Manufacturing, we’ve continued making and servicing some of the world’s best chip spreader designs, and now we’ve realized the value we can offer with rebuilds.
Lots of Used Chip Spreaders Need Help, Not Replacement
Many towns, cities, counties and states have older chip spreaders that have started to deteriorate, but still have relatively few hours on the drive trains. Replacing with a new chip spreader can cost $250,000 or more.
We’ve developed a program to evaluate, inspect, qualify, repair, replace and rebuild any and all necessary components to restore an aging chip spreader to near new condition and performance, and save owners $10,000’s if not $100,000’s versus buying a new machine.
We Stand Behind Our Work
We even offer warranties on qualifying work. If your budget can allow us to do the work we see a used chip spreader needs, we can even offer a 1 season or longer custom warranty on our work. At Rocky Mountain Rebuild we stand behind our process, our work and our clients. If you have an issue, we’ll be here to make it right. You can count on it.
Book Your Used Chip Spreader Rebuild Job Now
If you have an older chip spreader that needs help, but still has a lot of potential life, let us evaluate it for you and discuss a custom plan to make it chip ready again, and reliable for years to come.
And you can put the money you save into other equipment.
Call us. We are Rocky Mountain Rebuild.